Tuesday, September 26, 2006

when they met him=) Posted by Picasa

Sunday, September 24, 2006

i prolly got the hershey's kisses instead of a whole bar of chocolate.

haven't been updating for ages.sorry to everyone that bothered to drop by my blog just to be dissappointed by the image of my last post.

Anyway the past couple of months have been the most difficult and depressing months of my relatively short life. I’ve been served with rejection after rejection. It’s really disheartening to be the only one left out and it’s really depressing to feel unwanted.

I feel stupid, small and useless.

Sometimes I feel like giving up.

Sometimes I feel all of this is not worth fighting for anymore.

I’m quite sick and tired of having to fight this never ending battle with the odds placed against me.

I may think I’m unlucky, most people probably think I am anyway, but when I think about it, I’m probably one lucky girl and don’t realize it when I let myself get consumed by my own self pity and sorrows. I fail to see the many people that love and care for me. If not for this series of unfortunate news, I may not have been able to realize that there are many people out there that love and care for me. when I fell, time and time again, these people helped me out tirelessly, helping me to get me on my feet again and making sure that I’m alright. Thank you to all that stood by me and lent me your shoulder to cry on as I bawl my eyeballs out.i’m eternally grateful.

They say everything happens for a reason.

The reason better be good.lol.